St Peter's Upper Churchyard Replanting
As I reported last month, having removed the diseased and dangerous trees in the Upper Churchyard, several volunteers from the Churchyard Working Party (CWP) have continued to clear the fallen branches, ivy, debris, and undergrowth. This long-overdue restoration has attracted much praise - but there is more to do!
To sustain this improvement, we will need periodical sessions of tree and undergrowth management but first, we need to push ahead with the promised tree replanting. With professional guidance, a draft replanting plan has been produced identifying the most suitable types and position in the Upper Churchyard for these replanted trees.
The PCC wishes to encourage parishioner involvement in this plan, including comments on type and position of trees and from those wishing to ‘donate a tree’.
If you would like to view a copy of this draft plan please send an email to:
In a separate Parish Mag article, Ian Peill describes the trees included on this plan.
Initial enquiries have been made with local suppliers and contractors with a view to planting, in late 2021, 2-3 metre tall trees, staked and with tree guards at a cost of £150 per tree. Adding a quality brass plaque with lettering fixed to a small oak board and stake will cost an extra £50. Thereafter we may need to help with watering until the root systems become established.
Enquiries from parishioners indicate that many may wish to ‘donate a tree’ to be planted around the Upper Churchyard so the PCC has decided these bids should be for a single tree and recorded in the order received. This notice will be publicised simultaneously in the April Parish Magazine, on the Parish and St Peter’s Church websites and on Church and Village Notice Boards.
If you wish to ‘donate a tree’ to the Upper Churchyard please drop a note into the letter box at The Vicarage, The Dene, Hurstbourne Tarrant SP11 0AH giving:
a. Your contact details;
b. Any specific requests regarding the type or position of tree (e.g. proximity to family memorial);
c. Your agreement to donate £150 for your tree (£200 with an inscribed plaque).
The final plan must be approved by the Diocese (a faculty) so there could be late changes.
Paul Symes
CWP Co-ordinator
29th March 2021