Herbert Protocol - Dementia Initiative
The Herbert Protocol
Hampshire Search and Rescue (HANTSAR) in partnership with Hampshire Constabulary and the Alzheimer’s society is proud to announce a new campaign, aimed primarily at those that care for vulnerable people of all ages who, because of their vulnerability, may go missing. The Herbert Protocol initiative is named after George Herbert, a Second World War veteran of the Normandy landings, who lived with dementia and sadly died while he was ‘missing’ on his way to his childhood home.
This new initiative, being launched by HANTSAR in Hampshire, will ensure that you are well prepared for an unanticipated emergency. It is particularly relevant to those who care for friends and family at home and those who work with vulnerable people in various residential settings.
The hub of the initiative is the “Life History Questionnaire”. This is where a record can be made of a range of background information about the person cared for. It is retained in a safe place so that it is immediately available to police and search teams in the event that the person goes missing. This short form requests a range of information and is based on years of successful searches throughout the country. You do not need to worry about the privacy of this personal information as we ask you to keep the completed form yourself in a safe place at home and only supply it to the police or volunteer search teams in the event of an emergency.
The “Life History Questionnaire” is available to download in PDF format;
- Fill in as much information as you can.
- Take a clear ‘head and shoulders’ photo of the person you care for. Fix it (or insert a digital photo) to the appropriate place on the questionnaire.
- Keep the information in a safe place so that it is readily available to hand to the police in the event of that person going missing.
- Take a new photograph every six months and replace the old one.
This proactive initiative is intended to alleviate as much of the stress associated with this type of event as possible. It is easier to hand the questionnaire to the police rather than try to recall all the information at such a stressful time.
Download the PDF by clicking on the icon below, once open please save the PDF and you will be able to digitally fill out the form.
Further information is avaliable HERE
Life History Questionnaire: