HBT Wildlife Project Update

Peter Billinghurst, from Ibthorpe, has undertaken a recent survey of the wild flowers on Dene Green, HBT. Over 100 species in just that small area - amazing! Thank you Peter. The list is below, with a few photos taken during his visit, on 23rd August 2019.
Peter also found a rose, growing at the north edge of Dene Green. It is unusual, in that it has rounded hips (fruits) and the leaves are fairly distinctive (photo to follow). He asked whether we had any knowledge of whether it was planted there, and sought more expert advice. It is now thought to be a Hairy Dog-Rose (Rosa Corymbifera), an unusual species, and worth protecting, which we will endeavour to do, as it is in bad shape at the moment owing to some zealous mowing in the past.