Church Weddings
Church Weddings
Weddings in church are special occasions for the bride and groom. Walking down the aisle of an old church, where many brides have walked before, and taking your vows of marriage before God, your family and friends is personal, spiritual and full of meaning for both the bride and groom. It can also be quite emotional.
In our Benefice we are fortunate to have four beautiful churches that are idyllic settings for weddings. With the relaxation of the regulations to be able to get married in church several years ago the numbers of church weddings have increased and for people who do not live in the parish it can be possible to get a qualifying connection. Even if you have been divorced it can be possible to get married in church, but a talk initially with myself is required first.
Planning your wedding is part of the fun and the Church of England have a good website to help couples pan their wedding day - Couples planning their wedding can either have a traditional wedding or
talk to me about what they would like, it is about your story.
We now also have access to an excellent Marriage Course that couples booking a wedding in one of our churches can attend. Most couples find this really helpful, even if they have already been living together for some time.
Our churches are more than just a special wedding venue as they offer you friendship, prayer and support both before and after your wedding. If you are thinking about getting married then please do enquire about having your wedding in one of our churches.